Multi Quantity Surveyors (Pty) Ltd. is a registered member of the Association of South African Quantity Surveyors (ASAQS), The Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS), the South African Property Owners Association (SAPOA), as well as the South African Facilities Management Association (SAFMA), and as such, are committed to upholding a high standard of excellence and professionalism in our industry.
Our Goals
- Continuously improve responsiveness, cost effectiveness and service quality;
- Cultivate teamwork, placing team success ahead of individual goals;
- Meet or exceed clients’ expectations;
- Communicate effectively;
- Provide and support a safe, sustainable environment;
- Demonstrate leadership and pursue excellence throughout our practice and services we offer;
Stage 1 - Inception
Establish the client requirements and preferences, assess user needs and options, appointment of necessary consultant, establish the project brief including project objectives, priorities, constraints, assumptions, aspiration and strategies.
- Assist in developing a clear project brief
- Advise on procurement policy for the project
- Advise on other consultants and services required
- Define the consultant’s scope of work and services
- Conclude the terms of the agreement with the client
- Advise on economic factors affecting the project
- Advise on appropriate financial design criteria
- Provide necessary information within the agreed scope of the project to the other consultants
Stage 2 – Concept & Viability
Construction Project Concept & Viability
Prepare and finalise the project concept in accordance with the brief including the scope, scale, character, form, function and preliminary programme and viability of the project.
- Agree the documentation programme with the principal consultant and other consultants
- Review and evaluate design concepts and advise on viability in conjunction with the other consultants
- Received relevant data and cost estimates from other consultants
- Prepare preliminary and elements or equivalent estimates of construction costs
- Assist the client in preparing a financial viability report
- Audit space allocation against the initial brief
- Liaise, co-operate and provide necessary information to the client, principal consultant and other consultants.
Stage 3 – Design & Development
Design Development & Construction Costs Estimation
Develop the approved concept to finalise the design, outline specifications, cost plan, financial viability and programme for the project.
- Review the documentation programme with the principal consultant and other consultants
- Review and evaluate design and outline specifications and exercise cost control in conjunction with the other consultants
- Receive relevant data and cost estimates from the other consultants
- Value Engineering; Prepare detailed estimates of construction costs
- Assist the client in reviewing the financial viability report
- Comment on space and accommodation allowances and prepare an area schedule
- Liaise, co-operate and provide necessary information to the client, principal consultant and other consultants
Stage 4 – Procurement
Construction Documentation & Procurement
Prepare the construction and procurement documentation, confirm and implement the procurement strategies and procedures for effective and timeous procurement of necessary resources for the execution of the project.
- Assist the principal consultant in the formulation of the procurement strategy for contractors, subcontractors and suppliers
- Review working drawings for compliance with the approved budget of construction costs and/or financial viability
- Prepare documentation for both principal and subcontract procurement
- Assist the principal consultant with calling of tenders and/or negotiation of prices
- Assist with financial evaluation of tenders
- Assist with preparation of contract documentation for signature
Stage 5 – Construction
Construction/Infrastructure Development Underway
Manage, administer and monitor the contracts and processes, including the preparation and co-ordination of the procedures and document to facilitate practical completion of the works.
- Prepare schedules of predicted cash flow
- Prepare pro-active estimates for proposed variations for client decision-making
- Attend regular site, technical and progress meetings
- Adjudicate and resolve financial claims by the contractor(s)
- Assist in the resolution of contractual claims by the contractor(s)
- Establish and maintain a financial control system
- Prepare valuations for payment certificates to be issued by principal agent
- Prepare final account(s) for the works on a progressive basis
Stage 6 – Close-out
Post-Construction Cost Management
Fulfill and complete the project close-out including the preparation of the necessary documentation to facilitate effective completion, handover and operation of the project.
- Prepare valuations for payment certificates to be issued by the principal agent
- Conclude final account(s)
Contract Management service in Facilities Management environment by administering a performance based integrated Facilities Management Services Contract between clients and their appointed Facilities Management Service Provider.
By focusing on your needs and requirements we provide a framework that includes establishing effective communication forms, comprehensive but simplistic service level agreements and a meaningful reporting structure that enhances your business by maximizing the efficiency of your infrastructure, equipment and people.
Service includes but is not limited to monitoring and reporting of performance, quality of work and service delivery in line with the service level agreements; interrogate the integrity and feasibility of service provider reports to ensure all decisions and actions are in line with your needs and requirements; monitor and report on cash flow and ensure integration between your Facilities Management Contract and capital expenditure programme.
Principal Consultancy and Principal Agency services entails the following standard services under the following stages:
Stage 1 - Project Inception
- Facilitating development of a clear project brief.
- Establishing the procurement policy for the project.
- Assisting the client in the procurement of necessary and appropriate other professional consultants including the clear definition of their roles and responsibilities.
- Establishing in conjunction with the client, other professional consultants and all relevant authorities, the site characteristics, rights and constraints for proper design of the intended project.
- Defining the principal consultant’s and other professional consultants’ scope of work and services.
- Concluding the terms of the client / principal consultant and other professional consultants’ professional services agreements with the client.
- Facilitating a schedule of the required consents and approvals.
- Preparing, co-ordinating and monitoring a project initiation programme.
- Facilitating client approval of all Stage 1 documentation.
Stage 2 – Concept & Viability
Concept & Viability
- Assist the client in the procurement of necessary and appropriate consultants including the clear definition of their roles and responsibilities.
- Advise the client on the requirement to appoint a health and safety consultant.
- Communicating the project brief to the other professional consultants and monitoring the development of the concept and viability.
- Agreeing format and procedures for cost control and reporting by the other professional consultants.
- Preparing a documentation programme and indicative construction programme.
- Co-ordinating concept and viability documentation for presentation to the client for approval.
- Facilitating approval of the concept and viability by the client.
- Facilitating approval of the concept and viability by statutory authorities.
Stage 3 – Design & Development
Design and Development
- Agree and implement communication processes and procedures for the design development of the project.
- Assisting the client in the procurement of necessary and appropriate other professional consultants including the clear definition of their roles and responsibilities.
- Conducting and recording consultants’ and management meetings.
- Facilitating input required by health and safety consultant.
- Facilitating design reviews for compliance and cost control.
- Facilitating timeous technical co-ordination.
- Facilitating client approval of all Stage 3 documentation.
Stage 4 – Documentation & Procurement
Documentation and Procurement
- Recommending and agreeing procurement strategy for contractors, subcontractors and suppliers with the client and the other professional consultants.
- Preparing and agreeing the procurement programme.
- Advising the client, in conjunction with the other professional consultants on the appropriate insurances.
- Managing procurement process and recommending contractors for approval by the client.
- Agreeing the format and procedures for monitoring and control by the quantity surveyor of the cost of works.
- Co-ordinating the assembly of the contract documentation for signature.
Stage 5 – Project Construction
- Arranging site handover to the contractor.
- Establishing the construction documentation issue process.
- Agreeing and monitoring issue and distribution of construction documentation.
- Instructing the contractor on behalf of the client to appoint subcontractors.
- Conducting and recording regular site meetings.
- Reviewing, approving and monitoring the preparation of the construction programme by the contractor.
- Regularly monitoring the performance of the contractor against the construction programme.
- Adjudicating entitlements that arise from changes required to the construction programme.
- Receiving, co-ordinating and monitoring approval of all contract documentation provided by the contractor(s).
- Agreeing quality assurance procedures and monitoring implementation thereof by the other professional consultants and the contractor(s).
- Monitoring preparation and auditing of the contractor’s health and safety plan and approval thereof by the health and safety consultant.
- Monitoring preparation of the environmental management plan by the environmental consultant.
- Establishing procedures for monitoring scope and cost variations.
- Monitoring, reviewing, approving and issuing payment certificates.
- Receiving, reviewing and adjudicating any contractual claims.
- Monitoring preparation of financial control reports by the other professional consultants.
- Preparing and submitting progress reports.
- Monitoring preparation of final account(s).
- Co-ordinating, monitoring and issuing practical completion lists and the certificate of practical completion.
- Facilitating and expediting receipt of occupation certificates.
Stage 6 – Project Close-out
- Co-ordinating and monitoring rectification of defects.
- Managing procurement of operations and maintenance manuals, guarantees and warranties.
- Managing preparation of as-built drawings and documentation.
- Managing procurement of outstanding statutory certificates.
- Monitoring, reviewing, approving and issuing payment certificates.
- Issuing completion certificates.
- Managing agreement of final account(s).
- Preparing and presenting the project close-out report.